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Using Elixir Telemetry and Tesla

Tesla provides a Telemetry middleware which is pretty straightforward to configure for your clients. However, I find that the middleware on its own is not sufficient to get more detailed metrics.

My goal here is to be able to extract the domain and the path in the metrics. This post will show you how to do that.

API Client

As an example, we’ll create an API client to

defmodule MyApp.HexPm do
  use Tesla, only: [:get], docs: false

  # required middleware for basic requests to
  plug Tesla.Middleware.BaseUrl, ""
  plug Tesla.Middleware.Headers, [{"user-agent", "MyApp/0.0.1"}]
  plug Tesla.Middleware.JSON, decode_content_types: ["application/vnd.hex+json"]

  # required middleware for telemetry
  plug Tesla.Middleware.KeepRequest
  plug Tesla.Middleware.Telemetry, metadata: %{api: ""}
  plug Tesla.Middleware.PathParams

  def get_package(name) do
    get("/api/packages/:name", opts: [path_params: [name: name]])

The middleware that will enable Telemetry events are:

Store request URL, body and headers into :opts. The options in our case would look like this:
  req_url: "",
  req_headers: [{"user-agent", "MyApp/0.0.1"}],
  req_body: nil,
  path_params: [name: "phoenix"]
Use templated URLs with separate params. In our example, it enables /api/packages/:name to receive the :name dynamically when sending the request but allows to group requests by the template.
Emits events using the :telemetry library to expose instrumentation. This middleware automatically adds the env to the event, but extending it with the metadata option is also possible. In our case, I added %{api: ""}, which will help group requests by their “api”. It’s helpful if you have multiple Tesla clients with distinct APIs.

Telemetry Configuration

Another necessary step is to add the proper configuration to your app’s Telemetry configuration:

defmodule MyApp.Telemetry do
  use Supervisor
  import Telemetry.Metrics

  # ...
  @impl true
  def init(_arg) do
    # starting ConsoleReporter to see metrics in IEX console
    children = [{Telemetry.Metrics.ConsoleReporter, metrics: metrics()}]
    Supervisor.init(children, strategy: :one_for_one)

  def metrics do
      # your other metrics...
        unit: {:native, :millisecond},
        tags: [:api, :method, :req_url],
        tag_values: &tesla_tag_values/1

  # extract the tags from the env + middleware metadata
  defp tesla_tag_values(meta) do
    %{api: meta.api, method: meta.env.method, req_url: meta.env.opts[:req_url]})

This configuration enables a few things:

Specify which tags to extract from the metadata. We’re specifying req_url here, but it’s unavailable at the event’s root. We need to extract it using tag_values.
A function that processes the event metadata. Because our req_url is deep inside the meta.env.opts, we need to extract it here. The map returned will be available to the tags function.

Running the example in the iex console:

iex> MyApp.HexPm.get_package("phoenix")
[Telemetry.Metrics.ConsoleReporter] Got new event!

Event name: tesla.request.stop
All measurements: %{duration: 188736000}
All metadata: %{api: "", env: ...}

Metric measurement: #Function<.../1 in Telemetry.Metrics.maybe_convert_measurement/2> (summary)
With value: 188.736 millisecond
Tag values: %{api: "", method: :get, req_url: ""}

An important note: reporters are responsible for extracting tags and tag_values, and each reporter may implement it differently. Check the reporter implementation to ensure it applies the proper tags transformation!